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MORE source [line_count]
* MORE acts as a simple (ANSI) text file viewer. By default, it will
show some lines of a text file, then wait for some user input.
eg. more readme
*After pressing "H" you get some Help information.
*To move around in the text, you can use the CURSOR-KEYS:
UP : Go one line up
DOWN : Go one line down
LEFT : Go one page up
RIGHT : Go one page down
SHIFT-UP : Go to the top of the text
SHIFT-DOWN: Go to the bottom of the text
You can also use the keys 1,2,3,7,8 and 9 of your numeric keypad.
SPACE does the same as SHIFT-DOWN, BACKSPACE the same as SHIFT-UP.
*The key "S" will prompt you what to Search for. If you just press
RETURN, then the last item will be searched for. Searching begins
at the second top line shown. If the item is found, the line, it
is in, is displayed as the first line.
*The key "N" searches for Next occurence of the search string
*The key "W" Writes the text to a file. If you enter PRT: as filename,
the text is send to the printer. Press just RETURN to cancel.
*Press "J" to Jump to a position you can give in %.
*Press "R" after you have Resized the window (or to Redraw the window
for another reason).
*Press "Q" or "ESC" to quit MORE.
*Typing any other key will be ignored.
All keys except the numeric keypad, SPACE, BACKSPACE and ESC can be
redefined using CONFIG MOREKEYS .
* Specifying the optional line count will allow you to show more or
less than the default number of lines, that will fit exactly on the
window. Useful when using FLAGS CUT OFF .
eg. more contents 12
more super.doc 25